The current Japanese average life span is 82 years old. But the healthy life span in which people can live in physically active condition is 9 years shorter than that life span. This difference is caused by life-style related illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure. It is well known that we can prevent these illnesses if we consume good foods and get appropriate exercise. Especially good meals are important for this.
Based on advancement of dietetics many new things related to our healthy condition have been reported. In Japan, people over 65 make up close to 30 % of the total Japanese population. For these elderly people proteins, vitamins and essential lipids are considered important nutritional elements. Knowledge how to intake these elements from daily foods is critical to be shared as their health is dependent on it. Dr. Andrew Wile has published this idea in a monograph. In this book he mentions that Japanese dishes are healthy, and he describes several recipes in this book.